======Google Season Of Docs 2021====== This is our list of project ideas for the [[https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/|Google Season of Docs]] program in [[https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/timeline|2021]]. Dear tech writers, if you want to apply for doing a Google Season of Docs project with us you can choose a project from our workgroup's lists but you can also present your own idea fitting to any of the work groups below. Please note that you have to choose "The Linux Foundation" as your mentoring organization, independent of the workgroup where you want to do your project. GSoD Rules: [[https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/terms/program-rules|Google Season Of Docs]] =====Dates===== * //April 16, 2021// - Accepted Organisations announced by Google * //April 16, 2021// - Doc development can officially begin * //May 17, 2021// - Technical writer hiring deadline * //November 16-30, 2021// - Final project evaluation =====Notes to take for tech writers===== * Read the [[https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/terms/program-rules|Rules]], the [[https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/timeline|timeline]], and [[https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/tech-writer-guide|tech writer guide.]] * On your application be sure to mention which of the listed Linux Foundation projects you are applying for, if applicable. If you are suggesting your own idea be sure to clarify that. * Follow the scheme of our [[:gsoc:google-season-of-docs-techwriter-application-template|tech writer application template]]. * On the front page click the field to apply as a tech writer and then choose "The Linux Foundation" as your mentoring organisation from the long list. To find it, use the filter field under "Name" or use the drop-down menu at the bottom to display the full list (there are multiple organisations). =====If you have questions===== Do not hesitate to ask questions. Please use the contact info (e-mail, IRC) of the workgroup in which you want to do your project. You find it by following the links below. For general questions about participating as GSoD tech writer in projects of the Linux Foundation, join the #linuxfoundation-gsod channel on Freenode. =====Linux Foundation GSoD Project groups===== The Linux Foundation sponsors development in different areas. Each area has a set number of GSoD projects available for 2021 as suggested projects which you can apply for and they are also open for your project suggestion. * [[:gsoc:2021-gsod-chaoss|CHAOSS - Community Health Analytics Open Source Software]] * [[:gsoc:google-season-of-docs-2021-openprinting-projects|OpenPrinting]] * [[:gsoc:2021-gsod-agl|Automotive Grade Linux (AGL)]]  \\ =====Organization Administrators===== The participation of the Linux Foundation in the Google Season of Docs is organised by Till Kamppeter (till at linux dot com) and Aveek Basu (basu dot aveek at gmail dot com).